• Vol. 10
  • Chapter 07


|| begin with the tempo
   of thunder on a sunny day

curiosity absorbs raindrops
as easily sun spots,
so stay,
sit in this splash of
sunshine for another
scribble of a second

handfuls of bluets,
true to spring, though I rue it

to don a sunset
is to embrace the scarlets
swathed in vibrance,
let tangerine horizons
rush you home, blush of moth wings
and turpentine, hush hue to bone,
colourful lungfuls of dewy dusk air,
let laugh echo across atmosphere
lost to the clamour, errant breath
to bluet death, beaten and bruised
by raindrops.
what comes when
this storm gives way to lonesome
puddling, sporadic songbirding,
murmurs of melodic measures,
enough to fill the ribcage, the



marrow of whistled warnings
settles soft in the stomach–

an accordion releases its final sigh,
a hollow press, music at rest,
breathe double lines upon the sky ||