• Vol. 10
  • Chapter 03


An out of sorted knight
some way rides into a
cascading zig saw puzzle wall
upending the beginning he craved.
He finds what he didn’t know
he was looking for;
his questions answered
he didn’t think to ask.

In a bum fuzzled flux, he
and his steed balance on two legs
His shod feet dangle out of stirrups
While a gay halcyon throw chokes them both.
Never the less, the knight hovers timorously on the matte plateau
Moving forward laboriously
Searching for righted-ness

Although angled into it now
the desperate knight’s
head swims in thumping blood
Coursing through his helmet
Until a new kind of experience suggests itself.
Deciding to take the path with heart
the knight’s saddle straightens,
his feet discover stirrups
And the earth shifts back right side up
And then, and then, it opens up to new possibilities.