• Vol. 10
  • Chapter 01
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Anatomy of a good day

A good day is our ennui lulls
Being serenaded – to
By existence’s, cacophonous
Symphony of vitality

Health so good, it’s innate
Kindness so widely abundant
It threatens
Capitalism’s, gangrene gates

Hope, baked into weary smiles
Emotion, tasting sweet in tears
As kids flippantly plant, craters
In devotedly trumpeting heart’s

While tap-dancing imagination’s skies.

A good day, is not like Sushi
All neat and rolled-up tight
Cut-out into mouthful bites
Since, no perfect recipe exists

Instead, it’s excavated
Stumbled upon
While bracing our falls
Scraped hands and knees

As our finder’s fees

Smiling, waltzing in-step
With life’s chaotic – beat
We dance like we’re living
Tomorrow’s: in each breath.


Anatomy of a good day

A good day, is receiving
A lifeline kiss between frazzled words
While rushing out for work – pausing
Like Emily Dickinson’s poetic dashes

Darting back
Being vacuum sucked
In-to each other’s arms, eye to eye
Promising we’ll never let romance

Lost in each other’s cathartic scents
Like a new-born’s sweaty head
Making you realise, the answer

To that entrapment, exam question
On how fractions morph to ratios
In just a colon’s second of equation
Or those loyal six decimals of Pi

Convincing you, to learn baking instead
To feed this anchor to love, in your life
Every flavour of pie in the world
Beginning with Keyline

‘cos it’s their fav.’

A good day, may not be today
Yesterday or tomorrow and yet
Its fractions exist and accumulate
In our everyday, or

That one special day we celebrate
A space, where Poesy’s like-minded
Assemble, proclaiming loud
‘Happy Birthday Visual Verse!’

You make us proud