- Vol. 09
- Chapter 12
Bobbing Gaud
I know / exactly / what / you look like /
but I will / call / you a scion /
that belching-smirk / aurified / in your clay /
you giddy-goo / you are a god / but only /
because you are / unencumbered /
by the green-spew / of idiosyncrasy /
& Mr. Brother grim / your / tranquilized /
monkey-like / scythe / leaning against /
the foolishness you / chomp / & chew /
a rewarding game of / keepy-uppy /
you smart / you civil / you woolly-headed /
pea-brained / all-seeing / mighty /
mighty / gaud / clunky-waterfall /
whoopsie / there / there / steer clear /
of the big hoo-ha slime / puckered clementine /
darling ditsy / boo-boo / bear the daze!