• Vol. 09
  • Chapter 06
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Rings of Security

I don't mean to get political,
but I'm the guy who holds the rings of servitude—
each silver circle represents a country—
those that are free,
and those who are held captive

I juggle them for the world—
to be balanced and spun
as if on a high wire act,
not for entertainment—
but for security

If one ring should slip from my grasp,
a dark and ominous cloud appears
over free and independent nations—
rings are connected, blend into the other—
a global structure that signifies trust

And when one is lost,
our world's security is in jeopardy—
wars replace peace,
greed and unbridled power
is the cost

That's why I have to remain strong,
make sure these rings are tightly held,
and keep this global community alive—
for my talent is in my versatility,
my nimble verbal dexterity,
and dedication to global unity.