• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 06
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We All Need a Red Bear

Fur warm as a womb
Cloudy white teeth
Gigantic hairy face
Fists full of honey
Here comes a Red Bear!

Who claps at our wins
And smiles at the stunts
Gulps all our mistakes
Only to let us summon
We all need a Red Bear!

Often hugs our anger
Halts the rolling tears
Evens out the frowns
Calms the damn scares
We all need a Red Bear!

Always patient in the dark
Stands silent in pain
Jumps high at our dawn
Dances crazy in the rain
We all need a Red Bear!

Speaks well despite the failures
Gives us another chance
Grants us an apology
Fully accepting our parts
We all need a Red Bear!


We All Need a Red Bear

Finally frees the dead field
Manures our dried mud
Pours water of faith
Sprinkles hopeful blood
We all ... indeed need one Red Bear!

Don’t we?