- Vol. 07
- Chapter 09
Daughter of the Night – for Shukri Abidi
I see you still
eyes closed
I hear your silence
louder than my screams
before the wave’s final claim
Where I come from, when elders sang songs to us at night, they told us we were daughters of the night, it was always deep, dark moonless night our bodies deep dark moonless our faces deep dark moonless
From night’s womb I came
brief day
you threw me back in its jaw
deep dark sunless the waters deep dark sunless the waves
before the passing
so deep
Daughter of the Night – for Shukri Abidi
before the silence
the gasps
so brief
the breath
The waters were only another kind of night
just stranger
The weight of the world was too much upon me those days
the weight of your hate
too much
My life was a passing from night to night