• Vol. 02
  • Chapter 02
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I am a wolf in sheep's clothing.
I oversee my comrades
in their habitat and dwell on their edge.

They look up to me and I howl
sweet platitudes into their ears.

My friends, times are hard.
We must look after ourselves.
The weakest among us are not our concern.

We must search for food – make safe
our shelters, others must fend
for themselves as best they can.

I whisper in their receptive ears.
We are all in it together
and the poor misguided believe me.

We are the dominant pack – alpha wolves.
Taught not to share – a weakness to care.

Hunger is pervasive – food banks
will provide for their needs.

I am not a sheep – I am all wolf.
Take care of my sharp teeth.

“All the better to eat you with”.
And spit out your bones
into the waste land – which you call home.