• Vol. 06
  • Chapter 01
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We reach toward sky in many ways;
our towers are powers of great displays
to prove we can’t be chained to earth
where we began, our source of birth,
the place we rest to gain our strength
so we may stand and at full length
ascend the stairs we build to reach
some summit, where we’ll find a breach.
And so, we keep on building higher;
watch guards o’er our sea whose fire
lights the night and pierces rage
of storms which seek their mortal wage;
parapets where cannonade
ensures invaders are dismayed;
bell towers, steeples, great cathedrals,
vaulted, high-pitched tall trihedrals
screaming to the heavens above
that we are worthy of god’s love.
While back on earth, we build walls, too,
to keep within and out of view
those others who don’t understand
that all the Earth, and all its land
is ours, not theirs, to have and hold,
to build upon, to mine its gold,
to reach beyond, escape its grasp
by building structures without lapse
so we can prove and earn the praise
of reaching sky within our days.