• Vol. 05
  • Chapter 11
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Toxic Love

How can I breath this air?
This same one we share.
This thick dense fume,
Evaporating petroleum pitch,
A dark toxic asphalt smoke
Coming from under our feet.

We inhale it
And keep pressing it down below,
Into our muted abandoned soul.
The music is playing in the room
Soft tunes    Low notes
Soft and slow.
We dance alone.
The air trapped inside the vessel,
Locked between the left and right lungs
A toxic substance,
Slowly poisoning our haemoglobin,
Making us less rational,
Making us less functional,
Causing dizziness,
Allergic reaction,
Skin Rash,
And nausea…


Toxic Love

But we stay in silence,
Keeping the appearances,
In order to not disturb
The disturbance.
We keep pretending
That we are in perfect balance,
While the music is still playing
This soft slow tune,
With delicate breakable china fingers.

And even when we stop breathing,
Because of this hazardous fume,
We still keep on living…
We wear a mask to hide our feelings.
We live happily ever after…
Under this venomous disguised cloud,
Filled with toxic matter.

We dance alone.
We fall into a deep endless vertigo.
You and me,
Dancing in each others corners,
Stepping in each others toes,
We just go on.
The music still playing soft and slow.
Even when we are breathless,
We won’t stop this dance.
And we will leave happily ever after…
As we promised once.
Poisoned hearts still beating…

Toxic Love.