- Vol. 05
- Chapter 05
twiggy wiggy was aware, twiggy wiggy had such a scare
He looked at her, she looked casually at the ground because his gaze appeared naturally even with a twinkle, seeming bashfully
did not want for him to discover her truest insecurity That all it took was light Shown from his eyes that night Insects chirped all nearby And even when one began to cry Silence broken by a sigh fragments flew, a shadow materialized
Some may say that nothing's much changed, the dissenters crow higher a-doodle-doos then a rogue rabbit skips from carrot patch just past the dirt soil basin's hatch
Sitting here, chewing on a root makes real a longing for paddy bear’s boot Cloaking a bare bottom foot Keeping an eye for even the softest nook
Jack Johnson wrote a child’s lullaby, Bowie stepped up for the teenage queen, Dylan comforted a listless boy’s recovery,
twiggy wiggy was aware, twiggy wiggy had such a scare
Now here I am confronting what it actually means When I knocked at the door of the neuromancer’s house, a necromancer on behalf of neurons… He shockingly said, come right in I said to him, you know I am your kinIt appeared he knew all along, And for a time we went on, detailing fragments of our past Making connections, bridging gaps, Being in ‘that moment, then,’ brought to mind, a baby hen
Not a chicklet-to-be pez dispensed, but a rubber ducky splashing high
In the tumult of a young man’s tub, splashing puddles that seemed rough he had sense enough to never be out-toughed
now hoping for this winter chill to fade a bristling ladybug crawls up her back camps overnight, wings still intact sputtering away 30 miles west, in a city that's made, to no one in particular's behest.