• Vol. 04
  • Chapter 10

Walking Along the Diagonal

With this stone
I carve what once was –
my first day and my last.
Like the rounded shoulders
of poor posture,
inscribed eyes
down turned,
I look to the soil for answers
and a final point-mark on the horizon.

Here lies my past,
my present,
my future.
At rest,
we are three in one.
All memory and sound
travels to the place of records –
the place where what we do matters –
the place where ancestors
welcome us
and the new generation
traces our steps.

This place we sail to
is the forgotten land
and the promised land.
It is the place of belief
and rejoicing.


Walking Along the Diagonal

It is where we embrace
each other
and say goodbye,
until many rotations of the sun
have spun.
It is a tilted hat –
in deference to times past
and in awe of new worlds.
We encounter diagonal dimensions.