• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 08
Image by

Questions without answers

Is it a self-portrait?
Is she Jean Cooke?
The painter looking at self?
Self looking at creator?
A still-life…animated?
Or, a mere image imagined
By a creative?

A character glimpsed somewhere but
Resurrected later?

So many questions.
No answers.
The eyes that come alive
Probing the soul of the viewer
The orbs that record every
Falling atom
The hat that frames listless hair
Combined together and you have got---
A cultural signifier.

The visage captured in the canvas
About to say something somber
A certain formidable air
Carried by a slim figure.


Questions without answers

An artist dreaming things
Or, things dreaming the painter.

It is a visual
An image
A painting
That defies death and annihilation!

Few swift strokes
Daub of colours
And the portrait
Energizes the dull canvas!

Art figurative speaking to the spectator,
Despite the intervention of the years.