• Vol. 04
  • Chapter 01
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Be gloved in peacock blue

Begloved in peacockblue cashmere you stood alone, quite separate from the heart of the group. I hadn't understood the form of the accentuated gesture. How was I to know that the 370 fingers of the 74 singles of the 37 pairs were emblems of fidelity. The claret red 6 and the yellow ochre 6, of the black 7 and the green 4 plus all the other mismatches. What really didn't add up was the gestured action of the single one upon the black marble tabletop. A challenge had been presented but I didn't know where to go with it.
Looking back I could see there must have been some kind of problem. I didn't think gloves were particularly weird or anything but we are talking more than decoratively functional
Are we not??